eNow has launched a new solar test program to allow truck fleets to test solar technology before...

eNow has launched a new solar test program to allow truck fleets to test solar technology before purchasing. 

Photo courtesy of eNow 

eNow, a clean-technology company specializing in renewable energy systems, launched a new Solar System Test Program designed to reduce a key concern for truck fleets interested in testing its mobile solar solutions — cost.

Under the program, new and current customers with new applications can receive full credit for solar systems purchased for a test. Customers can also utilize eNow test management and analysis services without additional cost.

“Few executives in the transportation industry are willing to adopt solar technology without some assurance of return on investment,” said Jeff Flath, President, and CEO of eNow. “Along with the stack industry case studies, independent test reports, white papers, and testimonials we have collected since 2011, this program will encourage even the most risk-averse transportation managers to test our solar solutions on their fleets.”

The eNow Solar System Test Program is simple. Initially, the customer purchases an eNow solar system and runs a performance test on an application such as liftgate battery charging. eNow can assist in the testing process. The customer receives full credit for the test system if they purchase at least five eNow systems of equal size within one year of the initial purchase.

For example, when a fleet purchases four 310W systems for a testing program; then purchases 20 additional 310W systems within one year of initial purchase; the Customer receives full credit from eNow for the cost of four 310W systems

Optionally, eNow can design and manage the test, analyze battery voltage data collected with eNow-supplied electronic data recorders, produce a written report, and present the findings. The analysis and report typically take four to five weeks to prepare. eNow’s standard data loggers for testing purposes are provided on a temporary basis. Unreturned data loggers will be billed to the Customer.

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