Managing dump truck fleets just got easier with a brand new set of fleet management tools from TRUX, a provider of dump truck logistics. TRUX Fleet Management enhances the offerings already available on the platform, and is available now on the TRUX web app.
Fleet owners and brokers use the TRUX mobile app to find more work for their fleet and get paid faster. But sometimes, particularly if you own and/or broker a large fleet, you want a larger, even more powerful interface to actively manage and dispatch your haulers. That's why the company created TRUX Fleet Management.
TRUX developed these fleet management tools by studying user patterns and listening to feedback from large fleet owners and brokers who wanted to expand and extend their use of the platform. TRUX broadened the scope of functionality for managing larger fleets with the web app, so fleet owners can spend less time with administrative tasks and more time running their business.
TRUX’s new fleet management tool provides the following benefits to dump truck owners:
- Dispatch more efficiently - Drag-and-drop dispatching, trucker groups, and job filters allow users to quickly find, claim, and dispatch haulers to available jobs.
- Digitally access documentation and earnings - Reduce administrative burden with electronic access to load slips and complete visibility to trucker earnings in real-time. Quickly message all haulers in the field to keep them aware of schedule changes.
- Visualize truck locations and schedules - Fleet owners can access the location of all employed and 3rd-party haulers, in real-time and on past jobs, without additional GPS tracking equipment. Brokers can see not only the location of their haulers on the map but also the location of haulers assigned by their brokered owners.
- View all requested, scheduled, in-progress, and completed jobs by hauler, by shift, and by date. Change haulers and/or trucks on scheduled jobs with the click of a button.
- Access a more flexible fleet - Whether fleet owners are looking to more easily manage their own trucks or have easy access to additional trucks at their fingertips, TRUX Fleet Management helps business owners complete jobs more efficiently, according to the company.
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