Four Toyota team members were selected to receive the Women in Manufacturing STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Production) Ahead Award through The Manufacturing Institute.  
The annual awards honor women who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in their careers and represent all levels of the manufacturing industry, from the factory-floor to the C-suite. The Toyota recipients represent women from multiple operations in North America.

  • Breanne Stockon – Customer Quality Specialist, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana



  • Jeneen Horton – Environmental and Facilities Manager, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Alabama
  • Jodi Lonneman – Senior Engineer Stamping, Production Engineering, Toyota Production Engineering and Manufacturing Center
  • Mercedes Felix – Human Resources, Purchasing & SED General Manager, Toyota Motor Manufacturing de Guanajuato


“The women we are celebrating represent the exciting career opportunities available in manufacturing,” said Natalie Schilling, 2018 chair of STEP Ahead and vice president of Human Resources at Arconic. “The STEP Ahead Award honors successful women in this industry for their significant achievements and the positive impact they have made on their companies, their communities and the industry as a whole.”

Women constitute one of manufacturing’s largest pools of untapped talent, totaling about 47% of the U.S. labor force in 2016, but only 29% percent of the manufacturing workforce. 
“We are so proud to see these women and their significant contributions recognized,” says Leah Curry, Toyota West Virginia president and former award winner. “These recipients represent the many women at Toyota who are leading our industry into the future and inspiring girls to pursue careers in manufacturing.”   



The STEP Ahead Awards are part of the larger STEP Ahead initiative, launched to examine and promote the role of women in the manufacturing industry through recognition, research, and leadership for attracting, advancing, and retaining strong female talent. In five years, STEP Ahead Award winners have impacted more than 300,000 individuals — from peers in the industry to school-aged children.
The Manufacturing Institute will recognize recipients at a reception in Washington, D.C. on April 10.  Five Toyota team members have previously received the prestigious award.