Drivewyze now provides near instant access to weigh station bypass data with the luanch of PreClear Insights, a secure web dashboard.
The dashboard gives Drivewyze PreClear subscribers the power to search and filter their fleet’s weigh station bypass data in near-real-time.
“This is a first in the industry and gives quick access, greater visibility, and granularity to data that was not available before,” said Steve Paul, Drivewyze senior product manager. “Data is made available in PreClear Insights within a day, so fleet managers can see bypass information quickly or see trends over a longer period of time.”
Data can show bypass rates, areas where bypasses are granted and where pull-ins are happening, plus it can help quantify operational cost savings (time and fuel) to give fleet managers a picture of savings made possible by Drivewyze’s PreClear weigh station bypass service. It also can help provide insight into CO2 reduction attained through fuel savings and reduced idle times.
Through the portal, fleet managers can also see if any vehicles fail to follow prompts, either by bypassing a weigh station or pulling in for a scale reading when a bypass was granted.
“This gives the fleet manager coaching opportunities, especially with new drivers who might be using our bypass service for the first time,” said Paul. “It doesn’t happen often for fleets, but if a vehicle doesn’t pull in when instructed, it’s a big knock on the fleet’s CSA score – failure to obey is as bad as going through a red light. With PreClear Insights, a fleet can see if any vehicles are having issues.”
Drivewyze has more than 800 bypass locations across 45 states and provinces, and geofences all other weigh stations that are not in the Drivewyze network.
“This gives complete data and provides insight on rolling time and any delays at inspection sites,” said Paul. “It really is a great tool for visibility.”