Last chance to make your voice heard! In an era where the commercial vehicle industry grapples with escalating insurance premiums, the aftermath of large-scale legal settlements, and a persistent shortage of drivers, prioritizing safety has never been more crucial.
Recognizing these challenges, Heavy Duty Trucking and Work Truck have continued their collaborative efforts to dive into the current safety strategies employed by medium- and heavy-duty truck and vocational fleets.
We invite you to contribute to this project by participating in a brief survey. Your input will shed light on the industry's safety technologies and practices currently in use. The insights gathered from this survey will enrich the HDT annual Fact Book and an upcoming issue of Work Truck.
Taking just six minutes to complete this survey can make a substantial difference. All responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your participation contributes to a broader understanding of safety practices and helps shape a safer future for the fleet industry.
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