A new report from Lytx reveals risky behaviors that drivers have successfully reduced as well...

A new report from Lytx reveals risky behaviors that drivers have successfully reduced as well those that continue to be problematic such as distracted driving.

Fleet drivers using the Lytx Driver Safety Program experienced fewer collisions, despite an increase in risky driving on the nation’s roadways in 2021, according to Lytx, Inc.’s fourth annual “State of the Data” report on vehicle fleets.

Moreover, drivers using the Lytx program demonstrated significant reductions in several critical, high-risk behaviors, notes the company, a global provider of video telematics solutions.

For example, not driving on a designated roadway ranked as the number one reduced risky behavior among drivers using the program. Driving too fast for conditions came in second as a risky behavior that was significantly lessened among fleet drivers. Other negative actions that ranked among the top five reduced risky behaviors include late response to a hazard or a change in road conditions, failure to use mirrors, and running a red light.

The report can also help fleet managers be proactive by addressing key risky behaviors in their companies’ safety programs. Lytx’s DriveCam Event Recorders automatically detect 11 risky driving behaviors inside and outside the vehicle. Evaluating the data revealed increases in specific risky behaviors among drivers.

Overall, the number one observed increased risky behavior was non-cellphone electronic device distraction. Other increased risky behaviors that made the top five list include unbelted driver while driving off an identifiable roadway, cellphone distraction, posted speed violation, and distractions other than electronic devices such as food or drink.

A statistical projection of traffic fatalities from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for the first nine months of 2021 showed a 12% increase in fatal traffic crashes nationwide, compared with 2020. With collisions on the rise, fleet managers want to know what driver behaviors lead to crashes.

According to the Lytx report, the number one behavior linked to a collision is a driver taking a risky action such as taking their hands off the wheel for more than three seconds.

Other top associated driver behaviors in collisions include failure to pay attention, driving too fast for conditions, failure to use mirrors, and distractions other than electronic devices such as eating behind the wheel.

The report also reveals 2021’s riskiest states and cities for driving. New York, California, Nevada, Massachusetts, and the District of Columbia ranked as the top five riskiest states for commercial fleets in 2021. In fact, these places were at least 1.5 times riskier than other states due to their large populations, high traffic volumes, and unusual traffic patterns.

Specific cities and metropolitan areas also ranked as riskier than others due to their size, greater traffic density, and quickly changing driving conditions. For example, New York, N.Y., and Newark, N.J. took the top spots for riskiest cities. The duo is 28% riskier than Chicago, which took second place for riskiest city to drive. The Windy City was followed by Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Anaheim, California— a trio that ranked third, Atlanta, which came in fourth, and Philadelphia, which ranked fifth for driving risk.

Originally posted on Automotive Fleet

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