JohnDow Industries announced its latest eBook on safe fuel handling, What You Don’t Know Could Burn You, along with a video series based on the extensive line of JohnDow fuel handling equipment.

This free eBook and video series is a blueprint for customers looking for the right fuel handling equipment for their shop or personal use while incorporating safety at every level.

Performing fuel-related services safely and efficiently requires following proper procedures and using approved fuel handling equipment. Those not following these procedures or using unapproved equipment could face OSHA violations and fines, even potential property damage and personal injury.

JohnDow Industries offers a complete lineup of fuel handling equipment.

JohnDow Industries offers a complete lineup of fuel handling equipment. 

Photo: JohnDow Industries

Within the free 12-page What You Don’t Know Could Burn You eBook, readers can learn about unknown dangers, improper fuel handling, how to follow OSHA standards, OSHA approved equipment, equipment safety and efficiency with UL approvals, how to choose a fuel caddy, and fuel removal and storage. For a free copy, visit

JohnDow’s fuel handling video series introduces and demonstrates the complete line of JohnDow fuel handling products to increase customer knowledge and enhance their ability to select the proper equipment for their specific needs. The series features JohnDow’s UL Listed professional fuel caddies designed for vehicle repair facilities, UN/DOT Approved fuel caddies designed for traveling with fuel, and the 58- & 106-Gallon Diesel Carrytanks for larger, on-site diesel operations.

“With the influx of fuel prices happening today, we understand our customers are looking for fuel storage options,” said Robert Christy, President of JohnDow Industries. “JohnDow’s large footprint in the fuel handing business means we are also in the safety business in a big way. We thrive on creating equipment to make our customer’s jobs easier – and more importantly safer – while providing educational content to help during their purchasing process.”