Left-to-right: James Winton, Director of Merchandising, FleetPride; Randy Walker, Sr. Director...

Left-to-right: James Winton, Director of Merchandising, FleetPride; Randy Walker, Sr. Director National Accounts, Phillips Industries and Steve Webster, Sr. Category Manager, FleetPride

Photo: Phillips Industries

Phillips Industries announced it has been recognized by FleetPride as one of its top suppliers for 2021. 

On April 11, during a virtual summit, James Winton, director of merchandising, and Steve Webster, senior category manager from FleetPride, presented Randy Walker, senior director of national accounts for Phillips Industries, with their 2021 Severe Service Supplier Award.

“Our fleet customers rely on the quality and innovation of our products to keep their operations running efficiently,” Walker said. “With FleetPride as a partner, we can be confident those products will be available when needed.  We are pleased that FleetPride considers Phillips integral to their continued success.”

Each year FleetPride recognizes companies for their outstanding support and partnership over the previous year. The 2021 Supplier Award is the second consecutive honor received by Phillips Industries. In 2021, they were presented with FleetPride’s 2020 High Gear Supplier Award.

“Phillips has continued to demonstrate their commitment to meeting the highest standards of quality and supply," Webster said. "As such, FleetPride is proud to recognize them for this impressive accomplishment. Phillips and FleetPride remain strategic partners, ready to capitalize on new opportunities to provide solutions to our shared customers."

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