The fire destroyed Drake Equipment's offices, showroom, and parts of its warehouse.

The fire destroyed Drake Equipment's offices, showroom, and parts of its warehouse. 

Drake Equipment's main offices in Phoenix suffered from a major fire that took place on May 10. The blaze took more than 100 firefighters to contain and totally destroyed the company's offices, showroom, major parts of its warehouse, and caused severe building damage. 

Fortunately, no one was injured in the blaze and the company only has material losses to overcome. As of May 21, the company was able to reestablish operations at its Annex location and is "rising from the ashes" to continue to support its customers. 

"I want to thank each and every one of you for your support in resupplying us quickly and for the many of you that have provided us with discounts in our most recent orders as we reestablish our operations in the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic," said Angel Herrera, president and CEO of Drake Equipment. "On behalf of myself but more importantly, on behalf of the Drake Truck Bodies team and the over 60 families that depend on Drake to make a living particularly in these challenging times, I want to thank you for your support and encourage you to visit us soon."

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