Every day, we choose to make safety a priority for our truck drivers and other motorists on the road. When a motorist’s car is struck by loose debris, you ruin their day and your own. Their windshield is cracked and the truck drivers are vulnerable to public confrontations, harassing phone calls, and insurance claims and legal notices.

Dumpster Diaper found that the problem is the gap. The debris, leaking from the gap in the dumpster and truck body doors, can expose fleets to unnecessary risk and hassles. Instead of managing operations and turning a profit, time is spent on damage control – replying to inquiries and chasing down details while insurance premiums rise.

Owner Kevin Goldstein says of the product’s origin, “Having a long history in the waste management related business of demolition, our trucks haul demolition debris from jobsites, traversing hundreds of miles of roadways on a daily basis. Over the years, our office would receive countless telephone calls from irate drivers who would complain that the particles of debris escaping from the tailgates of our trucks had struck their vehicles cracking their windshields and chipping their paint. Because ours is an organization oriented in responsibility, we regularly found ourselves reimbursing many windshield replacements and filing too many insurance claims to count. As a result of the high volume and extensive costs associated with these occurrences, we knew there had to be a better way.”

First, they made a makeshift tarp with magnets and attached it to our truck, they loved the idea so much that they had a prototype made and put on all their trucks. The complaints stopped immediately. No more broken windshields, no mess on the roads, no time wasted on insurance claims. Now the Dumpster Diaper is patented and shipping nationwide.  

<p><em>Source: Dumpster Diaper</em></p>

One customer writes, “The product was easy to order. It’s a tough and sturdy material. I didn’t think I needed a Diaper. Who knew?”

The Dumpster Diaper’s easy-on/easy-off tarping system is shaped to specifically cover and wrap around the rear lower tailgate portion of the truck and cleverly attaches to the vehicles with a series of magnets sewn into the edges that can readily attach to vehicles.

The Dumpster Diaper:

  • Saves you time and money
  • Eliminates loose debris
  • Is lightweight, compact and portable
  • Takes 1 minute to attach
  • Heavy gauge fabric attaches magnetically
  • Retrofit kits available for aluminum bodies