The Vector System is designed for medium and heavy-duty fleet applications to enable...

The Vector System is designed for medium and heavy-duty fleet applications to enable decarbonization of the transportation sector.

Photo: Optimus Technolgoies

Optimus Technologies, Inc. manufactures the Vector System, an advanced fuel system technology that enables diesel engines to operate on 100% biodiesel (B100).

The Vector System is designed for medium and heavy-duty fleet applications to enable decarbonization of the transportation sector.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) Emissions Certification and Compliance Division issued Executive Order (EO) D-864. Having determined that Optimus’ Vector System does not reduce the effectiveness of the applicable vehicle pollution control system, EO D-864 provides an exemption for the use of the Vector System in the State of California in model years 2010-2019 on-road diesel engines ranging in size from 6.7 liters to 16.0 liters.

CARB’s Oil and Gas and GHG Mitigation Branch previously issued to Optimus EO G-714-ADF-ST1-01, which authorizes an Alternative Diesel Fuel Stage 1 Pilot Program to use the Vector System with 100% biodiesel fuel upon receipt of an EO from the Emissions Certification and Compliance Division. With receipt of both EO D-864 and EO G-714-ADF-ST1-0, Optimus is now authorized to begin its Stage 1 Pilot Program for the Vector System in California.

To Optimus’ knowledge, both executive orders are the first of their kind to be issued by CARB.

"At Optimus Technologies, we know that the drive to carbon neutrality will take multiple technologies and recognize that electrification has made great progress in light-duty vehicles," said Colin Huwyler, founder/CEO of Optimus Technologies. "The reality though is that electric vehicles just aren’t well suited for the demanding requirements of heavy-duty applications like long-haul shipping, refuse collection, snow removal and many others basic functions our society relies on every day. The Vector System is already hard at work providing an immediate pathway to achieve carbon neutrality from Washington D.C. to Portland, Oregon."

Biodiesel is a domestically produced advanced biofuel made from renewable plant and animal materials such as soybean oil and beef tallow, as well as recycled used cooking oils. Biodiesel is readily available in California today as a blended product with traditional and renewable diesels but until now, the maximum usable blend has been limited to 20%. 

According to CARB’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard Pathway Certified Carbon Intensities data, 100% biodiesel fuel, due to the biogenic sources that it is derived from, has carbon intensity values as low as 8.61. When compared to California average refinery diesel fuel with a carbon intensity of 100.5, B100 provides up to a 91% reduction in carbon.

In addition to the carbon reduction benefits, biodiesel fuel also has a higher cetane rating, increased lubricity, and generates 58% less engine combustion particulate matter2, all of which contribute to a reduction in operating and maintenance costs, improved efficiency, and extension of engine life.

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