Join this engaging industry discussion between Hitachi, Hitachi Energy, Dunsky, and Work Truck...

Join this engaging industry discussion between Hitachi, Hitachi Energy, Dunsky, and Work Truck around a fleet's electrification journey.

Photo/Hitachi & Work Truck

The transition to EV can be daunting, especially when considering the impact on operations, the introduction of charging, vehicle procurement and how to secure funds to make electrification a possibility. 

Just in charging considerations alone, fleet operators need a comprehensive network of chargers and partners, affordable options for renewable energy, digital solutions for charging management, and improvements to infrastructure and the grid. The massive impact on fleet utilization and maintenance will make optimizing operations before, during, and after electrification essential for financial feasibility.

Altogether, there must be operational alignment and consistency to ensure that both sustainability goals are achieved, and that fleet operators have the necessary tools for practical execution of electrification. It takes a comprehensive plan, and the right strategic partners, to make the EV transition a success. 

How can you be sure your plan accounts for all potential impacts and affords a smooth transition to full-scale EV? Join this engaging industry discussion between Hitachi, Hitachi Energy, Dunsky, and Work Truck around a fleet's electrification journey, the major factors fleet owners should consider during the process, and how to properly plan for your fleet's transition to EV. 

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