Fleets such as the Stanley Steemer franchise in San Diego utilize Netradyne for increased...

Fleets such as the Stanley Steemer franchise in San Diego utilize Netradyne for increased stop-sign compliance.

Photo: Lauren Fletcher 

Netradyne, a provider of artificial intelligence technology focusing on driver and fleet safety, announced that its vision-based safety platform, Driveri, has improved stop sign compliance by 55% across its customer base, with some fleets improving over 90%, according to the company. 

The company analyzed its last 10 million stop sign observations to show a 61% improvement for non-stop events and 51% improvement for rolling stops.  

Driveri utilizes AI to capture every minute of every driving day to visually recognize and analyze driving events, enabling fleets to not just measure violations, but overall compliance.

To date, the system has recorded more than 900 million minutes and 350 million miles of driving, “seeing” events that legacy “trigger-based” systems would not, including stop sign violations that are rarely inertial-based. Improving stop sign safety is especially important knowing that, according to the NTHSA, 37% of vehicle-related fatalities are from intersections with 15% of these fatalities resulting from stop sign violations. 

 “The very fact that this improvement can be recorded illustrates the power of AI within our industry,” said Adam Kahn, president of Fleet for Netradyne. “Just a few years ago, things like rolling stops would have not been captured. Today, our intuitive, deep-learning, vision-based technology allows us to highlight your drivers’ great driving while gaining visibility into other incidents with full context for more productive conversations between fleet managers and drivers.” 

Driveri provides fleet managers with a comprehensive view of drivers’ activity through a blend of real-time positive driving notifications and best practice identification. This combination of supportive comments along with constructive feedback about risky driving behavior engages drivers in a balanced way that promotes collaborative relationships and ultimately, as the data has shown, safer drivers.  

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