Old World Industries has launched a new Peak Antifreeze + Coolant. It is the company’s first major launch in the extended-life antifreeze/coolant segment in more than a decade. The new Peak Antifreeze + Coolant is specially engineered with an advanced proprietary formula which includes a combination of scale-fighting inhibitors and organic acid corrosion inhibitors.
Scale can form in the cooling system from poor quality water or from corrosion products forming on surfaces. These deposits can reduce coolant flow in the radiator and other parts of the cooling system, significantly reducing heat transfer and leading to the engine overheating. A build-up of only 1/16-inch of scale can reduce heat transfer by up to 40%. New Peak Antifreeze + Coolant contains ten times the scale-fighting inhibitors and provides more than two times the warranty coverage for a minimum of 10 years/300,000 miles of maximum cooling system performance.
Peak Antifreeze + Coolant is designed for use in all North American, Asian, and European passenger cars, SUVs, motorcycles, and light/medium duty trucks, regardless of make, model, or year. Its universal formula is compatible for use with any type of antifreeze/coolant and its amber-yellow color will not change the color of the coolant in the system.