Mack Trucks LR and TerraPro models are now available with the Cummins Westport L9N natural gas engine. Photos: Mack Trucks

Mack Trucks LR and TerraPro models are now available with the Cummins Westport L9N natural gas engine. Photos: Mack Trucks

Mack Trucks announced updates to its LR and TerraPro models for the waste and recycling industries, offering a natural gas engine option and more ergonomic seating, and signing a deal with Lytx to explore the DriveCam in-cab camera system.

Both the Mack LR and TerraPro models are now available with the Cummins Westport L9N natural gas engine, offering near zero NOx emissions option for refuse fleets. The spark-ignited L9N is capable of running on compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, or renewable natural gas. It produces 320 hp and 1,000 lb.-ft. of torque.

The L9N is among the lowest certified NOx emissions engines available in North America, according to Cummins Westport, producing NOx emissions that are 90% lower than the current EPA limit of 0.2 g/bhp-hr. The L9N is also certified to the EPA’s GHG2017 emission requirements.

“Natural gas continues to be a viable alternative fuel, providing a secure fuel supply and a steady price,” said Curtis Dorwart, Mack refuse product manager. “With the L9N, customers can take advantage of natural gas’ benefits and further reduce their environmental footprint.”

Mack Trucks introduced a new multi-position seat for the Mack LR model, boosting comfort and ergonomics for operators in right-hand drive configurations.

Mack Trucks introduced a new multi-position seat for the Mack LR model, boosting comfort and ergonomics for operators in right-hand drive configurations.

Mack also introduced a new multi-position seat for the Mack LR model, aimed at boosting comfort and ergonomics for operators in the right-hand stand-up/sit down drive configuration. The seat was developed with Sears Seating and was designed and engineered specifically for the Mack LR.

“Working with Sears Seating to offer a Mack LR model-specific seat will improve the driving experience for the LR model,” said Dorwart. “The new seat is more ergonomic, more comfortable and can help improve driver productivity.”

The company has also signed a memorandum of understanding with Lytx, a provider of video-based safety systems, to explore the DriveCam in-cab camera system. DriveCam records internal and external events when an abrupt lane change or hard braking occurs. The Lytx Video Services Technology can also continuously record external events regardless of a trigger situation.

Details regarding the offerings under this agreement have not yet been established, but Mack is planning to incorporate the systems into its Mack LR and TerraPro refuse models.

Originally posted on Trucking Info