On May 11 the propane autogas Ford F-150 visited the State Capitol in Oklahoma City, Okla. (PHOTO: Alliance AutoGas)

On May 11 the propane autogas Ford F-150 visited the State Capitol in Oklahoma City, Okla. (PHOTO: Alliance AutoGas)

Alliance AutoGas is headed into the second half of its 5,300-plus mile, 12-city, cross-country road trip with a converted propane autogas Ford F-150 trailering a propane autogas mower.

The purpose of the ride, which began on May 2 in Kansas City, Mo., is to spread the message of cleaner air and a healthier environment by using clean, cost-effective, domestically produced propane autogas as the alternative fuel of choice. Alliance AutoGas is accomplishing this trip in conjunction with Clean City Coalitions and several partners and sponsors. www.allianceautogas.com/resources/coast-to-coast-clean-air-ride/.

Sponsors include Blossman Gas, Blue Star Gas, ThyssenKrupp, and Worthington Industries and partners including the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC), Bobit Business Media/Work Truck Magazine, and The American Lung Association of the Southeast. 

“Motor vehicles are a significant source of air pollution, which is why cleaner fuels need to be a part of the solution,” said Martha Bogdan, chief executive officer for the American Lung Association of the Southeast. “Alliance AutoGas supports our clean air work, and we are happy to be a part of the Coast-to-Coast Clean Air Ride.” 

The Coast-to-Coast Ride has stopped in Fort Collins, Colo., Salt Lake City, Seattle, and arrived in Phoenix on May 9, from there traveling to Albuquerque. On May 11 the truck visited the State Capitol in Oklahoma City, Okla., heading to Little Rock, Ark., on May 12. Next, on May 13 the vehicle visits the Mississippi Braves stadium in Pearl, Miss.; Atlanta, May 17, and reaches the coast in Jacksonville, Fla., on May 18 followed by a Homecoming event in Asheville, N.C., on May 23. A total of 11 Clean Cities Coalitions and companies committed to using propane autogas as an alternative fuel are hosting programs at the fueling stops.

Propane autogas, one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels, is an approved, clean fuel listed in the 1990 Clean Air Act and the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Tests conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency show that propane autogas vehicles can produce 30 to 60 percent less carbon monoxide emissions, 80 percent reduction in exhaust coarse particulate matter, up to 95 percent reduction in evaporative volatile organic compounds, and approximately 50 percent fewer toxins and other smog-producing emissions when compared to gasoline engines.

“Any fleet that covers a substantial amount of miles would have real-life savings very quickly,” notes Ed Hoffman, president of Blossman Services, Inc., the equipment distributor for Alliance AutoGas. “Dramatic CO₂ emission reduction helps fleet managers meet and surpass sustainability initiatives for medium and heavy-duty truck fleets, and the system is compliant with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 58 standards.

Stuart Weidie, president and CEO of Blossman Gas and President of Alliance AutoGas, adds, “The cross country trip in Alliance Autogas’ Ford F150 will be a great opportunity to demonstrate why propane Autogas is the world’s #1 alternative fuel.  We hope to educate citizens across the country on the extended range of autogas vehicles as well as the benefits of real costs savings and emissions reductions.”

For more about the coast-to-coast tour, visit: www.allianceautogas.com/resources/coast-to-coast-clean-air-ride/.

Originally posted on Automotive Fleet