Photo courtesy of Clean Fuels Ohio.

Photo courtesy of Clean Fuels Ohio.

Ohio State Representatives Sean J. O’Brien (D-Bazetta) and Dave Hall (R-Millersburg) have reintroduced bipartisan legislation that would create several incentives to spur alternative fuel use in the state, the lawmakers announced.

House Bill 176 intends to promote the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) and other alternative fuels in the vehicles of individuals, businesses, and public transportation fleets on Ohio’s roads through tax breaks and other incentives. Reps. O'Brien and Hall announced the lanuch of H.B. 176 at the offices of Clean Fuels Ohio, one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions.

H.B. 176 contains language similar to that in H.B. 336, a bill also introduced by Reps. O'Brien and Hall that passed through the Ohio House of Representatives with widespread, bipartisan support before dying in the state Senate Finance Committee.

As was the case with H.B. 336, H.B. 176 would set up the Gaseous Fuel Vehicle Conversion Program, a $16 million vehicle conversion fund that would provide grants for five years for vehicle conversions to CNG, liquified natural gas (LNG), or propane autogas.

The bill would also set up tax credits for purchase or conversion of an alternative fuel vehicle amounting to half the vehicle purchase conversion costs, or up to $25,000 per vehicle (depending on vehicle weight).

Originally posted on Automotive Fleet