WAI continues to meet the ever-changing needs of heavy-duty truck operators. WAI’s complete line of alternators are ideal for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty Class 1-8 trucks and construction equipment.
Millions of units have been installed and tested to OEM specifications, according to the manufacturer and include premium brand TRANSPO electronics manufactured by WAI, as well as premium grade WBD bearings.
Offered as replacements fror Case, Cummons, Allis-Chalmers, Delco, Caterpillar, and more, WAI offers starts and alternators for all truck applications.
WAI alternators feature a high level of proven performance with thorough testing of output current at idle and full-load RPMs. Additionally, validation testing for all products includes endurance, humidity, power thermal cycling, vibration, salt spray, and thermal shock.
New alternators result in warranty rate reduction through extended field life of new units. Additionally, computerized test sheets are included in every box.