<p><em>Photo via Pixabay</em></p>

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved 15 pilot projects aimed at accelerating electric vehicle (EV) adoption, totaling approximately $41 million. These pilots will help the state meet its clean air and greenhouse gas reduction goals for 2030.

CPUC approved four projects proposed by Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) in Northern California, five projects from Southern California Edison (SCE) based in the Los Angeles area, and six projects from San Diego Gas & Electric. These projects include the electrification of school buses, delivery trucks, airport/seaport equipment, truck stops, and commuter locations.

In 2016, the investor-owned utilities were directed to propose projects aimed at accelerating transportation electrification across all sectors, from high-duty passenger cars to medium- and heavy-duty fleet, transit, and freight vehicles.