In the fleet management industry, technology advances at a rapid rate. Fleet technology began with barcode scanners for physical inventories and advanced to the tablets and smartphones we know today. As these technologies evolve and change, fleet organizations need to consider which to invest in and how they would benefit the many people throughout the organization.

Fleet management mobile applications allow your staff to use fleet management software on-the-go, which allows for streamlined processes and accurate data input across multiple areas of your organization. Every person in a fleet organization uses fleet management software in unique ways, so fleet management mobile apps should work for the needs of each role—from technicians and fleet managers to vehicle operators and motor pool users.

Do your current fleet management mobile apps account for the different roles within your organization?

Role-based mobile apps can be a great solution for fleet organizations looking to improve operations across multiple areas. With role-based mobile apps, fleet organizations can:

Empower technicians

A mobile app for technicians allows them to go about their everyday tasks without having to step away to manually enter data into a computer or physically write down information to be logged into the system at a later time.

The apps can capture real-time labor for technicians as they work on various tasks throughout the day, including any indirect time spent on activities, like coffee breaks or internal training sessions. Technicians can also create work orders and issue parts on the fly from their smartphone or tablet

Bridge the gap between vehicles and operators

Fleet management software contains a lot of valuable information on fleet vehicles, but it can be difficult for vehicle operators to access this information while on-the-go. With a mobile app built for vehicle operators, information on the assigned vehicle is available from a smartphone or tablet.

Vehicle operators can also report incidents, update parking locations, review work order history, view upcoming preventive maintenance appointments and input meter readings.

Reduce inspection paperwork

Fleet mobile apps for both yard and vehicle inspectors can minimize the need for paper forms, including pre- and post-trip inspections, annual condition assessments, preventive maintenance checklists and more.

Streamline the parts room

With an effective mobile app solution, parts room operations can be streamlines. Staff can conduct physical inventory counts from their smartphone or tablet, in either connected or disconnected modes.

Help drivers after collisions

When fleet drivers get into an accident, there are certain procedures that must be followed; however, the stressful or dangerous situation after an accident can distract the driver from entering the necessary information. With an easy-to-use mobile app, your drivers can quickly enter information regarding the collision, including location, parties involved, photos and driving conditions.

Using a mobile app to capture this vital information can help fleet managers address the situation quickly and accurately.

Role-based fleet management mobile applications have drastically changed the way fleet organizations across the country operate. With the power of effective fleet management software and the convenience of mobile applications, your fleet organization can continue to grow and succeed in today’s ever-changing industry.